Friday, September 27, 2013

August 31-September 6

August 31
I didn’t sleep well. I thought there were rats in the room. I was still in Rundu by the way. I felt really bad because I woke up one of the PCVs sleeping the living room. I walked to the PC Office at 515 and skyped my parents for 45 minutes. Then I skyped my friend in Germany. I uploaded my pictures from camp, over 900! I watched some College Football highlights. I really miss college football. While I was in the office, one of the PCVs who is leaving in October came in with her family. It was wonderful to see her family because it made me look forward to when I see my family again. She also brought American candy! I am excited for next weekend because around 25 PCVs and the new Group 38 people are going paintballing. I looked up some more possible vacation ideas for Christmas vacation. I smsed the others and we decided to go to Henties Bay, Walvis Bay, and Swakopmund. It will be a quiet Christmas by the ocean and, most likely, quite a crazy New Year’s Eve. Today I have also been closely following the news about going to war with Syria over its use of chemical weapons. I walked to my place at 6 and had grilled cheese and onions. I got a bit nostalgic because one of my favorite things at home in the US is grilled ham, cheese, and onions. I had a really good talk with the two other PCVs and then read Ender’s Shadow until bed.

September 1
I slept really well and woke up at 530. I walked to the PC office and was reminded that the time had changed. I really woke up at 630. The PC Regional Coordinator, who works in the PC office, came in and asked what I was doing in the office so early, although it was 930am. He has the wrong idea that just because I come into the office early, it means I slept there. I watched college football and documentaries for most of the day. A World Teach Volunteer came over and I hung out with her. I taxied to Cola Cola around 210 to meet my ride, but we didn’t leave until 5pm! I was so tired that I slept most of the way back. I went and had dinner and said hi to my family. I was pretty tired so I went to my room and watched Elysium, which was okay. I went to bed pretty late.

September 2
I slept well. I talked to one of my friends from the US who definitely gave me a self-esteem boost. You don’t get them that much out here in Namibia, but it’s really nice when someone compliments you. I facebooked my friend in Germany and then my mom. My mom and I talked all the way through breakfast. It was wonderful. I was so proud to be busy ALL day working on projects and being productive. I made goals for the week too. Here they are if you are interested: Go over health topics with supervisor; Collect information about health topics; Find counterpart for HIV/AIDs Support Group and discuss; Visit people in the community-2 families or people; Walk to soccer field and ask about grassrootssoccer program interest ; Ask supervisor about Community Bulletin Board; Discuss school budget with HOD; Reread Financial Guidelines; Find Rukwangali Tutor; Discuss Life Skills Topics with Ms. M; Schedule times for grs, boys, and health club; Get signups for clubs; Make Signup Sheets; Meet with HOD, Agriculture teacher, BH, and come up with meetings for school garden; Discuss how best to do garden and who to invite. I was disappointed when I found out the girl I was hoping to work with on forming an HIV support group moved to Rundu. I am a bit nervous about the large number of projects I have, namely my garden. I have done a ton of research, but I have never actually done a garden. I am nervous about it failing. I backed up computer files, movies, and pictures on my harddrive and typed up information for my clubs I am going to create. I went to lunch and had pasta, cabbage, and peanut butter. I read from 4-5, then went home. It was awesome to have no desire to stay at the office and watch movies. I spent a good portion of the next hour learning about my camera and trying out different settings. The children loved being my photo models. I have some gorgeous pictures that I can’t wait to put on Facebook. After my camera session I went and read, then had dinner. I am a bit apprehensive because it looks like there may be chicken pox going around (one of my host brothers already had it and had to go to the hospital; one of my sisters also looks like she has it or some other disease). I played Uno with my family until 745. The troublemaker/annoying child of the family was being really annoying and kept taking the cards and damaging them. It sounds dumb, but I have had these cards all my life and so I attach sentimental value to them. I went into my room and listened to music and read. I went to bed at 930.

September 3
I woke up feeling so tired. I think the time is messing me up. I didn’t want to go to morning assembly because I wanted to sleep in. It was a good thing I did because when I walked to the school they were still on old time. It was good to be back. I took over an absent teacher’s classes for a bit and played games. I my two health camp learners present to class. I was very proud. I was teaching the Grade 6’s when a big man came in and very gruffly said “Who gave you permission to teach this class?” I was very confused. It turned out it was the inspector of the circuit. He seemed unhappy and kept saying there is a procedure. I thought I was going to get my principal in trouble and I thought I was in trouble, but the inspector was nice in a gruff way and said that he wanted me here to teach them and help them learn English, but he needed me to get permission so that he wouldn’t get sued if something happened to me. I understood, but was confused because that is American thinking. It made sense though because he went to university in America and lived there too!!! Iowa and Nebraska State! He told me I need to send a letter to the Regional Director. I went to break and had bread and then went back to office. I typed up a letter to the Director and  got it approved by HOD. Then I talked to her about many subjects such as clubs, finances, language tutor, and camp. It was so encouraging and productive. My clubs will be M, T, W from 3-4 or longer. I still need to find a language tutor. I went and cut some of my hair because it is so long and it is annoying me. School got out and I went and took pictures of the lunch program. The camera became the center of attention and a lot of people wanted their picture taken. I went back to MS’s class and stayed there until 330. I got really hungry and asked him to get me toppers. He got there late and I decided just to go to store with him then visit people. I overspent and bought a bunch of junk food. It was 415 and I decided to go back to the clinic. I have a small flap of skin on the top of a small toe rubbing the top of my shoe. It is not fun. I decided to go home and read. Then my host mother came out. We talked for a good while! I really enjoyed it. I understood most of what she said. She also helped me with some Rukwangali lessons. I really want a tutor now. I ate some of the pasta that was for dinner and gave the food to the kids. Then we played UNO. The same troublemaker/annoying child crossed into danger territory when he kept taking cards and tried to hit me. I got very serious for the first time with him. I am apprehensive about how I will be when I go back to the states. Corporal punishment is so normal here that it is becoming normal for me. I almost wanted to hit the kid. But I know objectively that anything like that is damaging to a child and I will not hit a child. I played UNO and won once. These kids are getting good!!! I went into my room at 7 and read and listened to music until 9pm.

September 4
I didn’t sleep terribly well. I cannot wait until I am used to the time change. I woke up at 530, but fell asleep until 630. I decided to go into the office later. I facebooked mom and dad for a bit then ate breakfast at the clinic. I blogged for nearly five hours because I don’t have anything to do until I talk to my supervisor. The trainees are visiting site until Sunday. They saw me as they passed by my clinic! I got a blast of sms’s from them! It was great they were so excited! I went to lunch. After lunch I spoke with my supervisor about health topics I should prepare for morning health education. I went and typed up games that I did at YEAH Camp. I finished around 3 and just read after that. It was a really good day. I went home at 5 and read some more. I have also been speaking with my host mother a lot which is wonderful. I am learning a lot of Rukwangali. I am enjoying it a lot. I played Uno with my family after that. Then I went and watched Turbo and played computer games in my room. It’s been getting awfully hot at night and it’s not fun. I went to bed at 9.

September 5
I woke up at 5, but fell back asleep until 630. I walked to the clinic. I found out that the governor was coming tomorrow and not today. I was not happy because I was not going to be around. I had a Peace Corps Event with the new Volunteers. I went to school and determined what Life Skills classes I will teach this term. I went back to the office and tried to connect my kindle to my computer, but it crashed. During the break, the HOD helped me get learners to sign up for my clubs. I got 28 for the health club and 20 for the Grass Roots Soccer Club. I decided to make another Grass Roots Soccer Club for the Grade 6s. I went back to the clinic at one and was able to keep busy until 3. After I got home I had a good talk with one of my host brothers about Namibia. After I ate I went to my room and watched a movie.

September 6
I woke up feeling pretty good. It was funny that my wheatbix tasted AMAZING this morning. Is it possible for Wheatbix to go stale? I had just opened a new box and wonder if that is why it tasted so good. I walked to school and worked until school got out. Then I walked to the road. It took us forever to get a hike because a TON of teachers were hiking too. It was really frustrating. We got a hike a few hours later, but it was not a pleasant ride at all. I walked to the office and skyped my mom and dad. It was really fun. I did my usual computer stuff. My new Namibian friend J came and picked me up. I met a lot of his family. We stopped at his church for a few minutes, and eventually we got to his home. We went out to get some food. It was amazing and I felt like I was almost back in America. We went cruising in his car with windows down and we listened to KLOVE music!! Tommy Walker’s song He Knows My Name came on and I said I knew tommy! J was so impressed! I messaged Tommy’s son and told him. I really enjoyed talking to J’s family. They served me some really tasty snacks. Then we had spaghetti with mean/bean sauce that was extremely tasty. I felt so at home, as if I had been adopted. We watched news and sports. They gave me my own room with a shower and they provided me with soap and a towel.

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