Monday, April 22, 2013

Site Visit Part 2

This is part 2 of 2 of my blog about my site visit. The next day, the 16th, I left for Rundu to shadow another PC Volunteer. I have to say that it feels as if every rooster and donkey is placed outside my window. I found out as well that my friends and family were getting my letters and postcards I sent around March 13th. I have to say I’m a bit unhappy that I have only received 5 out of 14 letters that people have sent to me. Anyways, one of my host brothers, Benhard, is going to teach me how to build a hut when I get back! One thing I’ve found out is that using the bathroom at night is freaky; I keep worrying a snake is going to bite my butt. I also found a snake trail leading to where I think a snake lives beneath my hut. It’s funny, people think I look like Justin Bieber, I assume because I am white, have the same color of hair, wear sunglasses, and my hair, loosely interpreted, could be seen as similar to his hair. I’ve also been told that it’s getting around that there is a clever white boy who speaks Rukwangali. 

Anyways, we left on Nam time, two hours late. I met Gio and Bonnie at the school. Then we went to the PC office and used the internet. The open market we ate at had such amazing food! It was so cheap! I had French fries, potato salad, and rice! I am going to eat there a lot!
On the 17th I woke up with hives or bug bits, quite a few of them. We went to the office to meet up with 5 others. We had lunch at the office again. Then we walked to the Kavango River Lodge to see one of the most gorgeous sunsets I have ever seen overlooking a landscape consisting of the river, a wide expanse of green/brown land, and Namibia and Angola. We went to Omashare Lodge after and had pizza and apple pie. 

The next morning, the 18th, was our day to head back to training. I was quite happy to get back to see my friends. I was also really itchy.  We went to the transport meeting area and waited an hour for a combi (van) to leave. We got back seven hours later. I counted my bites/hives and found that what was 190 was now 200+. I appreciate things so much more after visiting site. It was wonderful to see my host mother and the house. I skyped my friend Kimberly in the morning. I went to the doctor that morning because I was gaining 2-5 hives per hour. It turns out I have the honor of having the first African disease amongst my group of PC people. I have the Coxsackie Virus. It is caused by ingesting or inhaling something; I was confused about what. The doctor gave me some prescriptions and said that the worst the virus would do was cause fever, which I do not think I will not get. By the end of the day I more hives. This day was really awesome because we mainly got to hang out and talk about all our crazy stories! After that all of the trainers and us went to our favorite cafĂ© to celebrate all the birthdays we missed or will miss when we move to site.

The 20th was movie day at Alicia’s. There were six of us in total and it was a wonderful day. We watched Despicable Me and had sliders. I skyped with two of my friends later that day.The 21st, Sunday, was another movie day, but just with one of my closest friends here, Crystal. It was so good! Our good friend Kaitlynn came over and we had a great time watching movies, playing games, and talking. I am so thankful for them. Today, the 22nd, was an amazing day! I pretty much started a friendship over with one of my friends here and it was a huge burden off my shoulders. Today was just awesome!

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