Sunday, September 29, 2013

Thoughts About Peace Corps Service Thus Far

Recently, I have been thinking about the future. I have been thinking about it a lot. As you can see, I have been looking up graduate schools and making a thorough Outlook Calendar. I am a dreamer and I dream daily about being done with Peace Corps Service. Some of you might think that I am not liking my time here, or that I am regretting my decision to join Peace Corps. This is not the case in any way. There are many reasons I am so focused on the future. First of all, I am a dreamer. I have spent several days of my life just dreaming. This is a weakness because it causes me to not live in the moment. However, I have improved in this area, and I don’t dream as much as usual. The positive side to dreaming is that it makes me excited and optimistic about the future.

Another reason I am focused on the future is that I have been restless since senior year of undergrad at APU. I moved to Ohio for grad school, and had a wonderful experience. I was still restless so I joined the Peace Corps. I am now on my seventh month in Namibia and I feel restless. I mentioned how I was restless since Senior year of college, but there has been one habit of mine that shows that I have had the feeling of always being in transition earlier than Senior year. I have never made a home to entertain others. In undergrad and grad school, I didn’t buy furniture. The reason for this was that I never felt I would be in a place long enough to make an investment in furniture and other decorations worthwhile. I wonder how long it will be until I feel ready to make those investments, possibly when I get a girlfriend and get married?

The third reason that I am so focused on the future is that Peace Corps Service is not easy. It has been a very challenging experience. It takes enormous amounts of energy to just get through the day. The heat takes it out of a person and makes one want to stay inside the clinic where it is relatively cool and comfortable. It is not easy to always be stared at or to have to say hello to every  single person that crosses your path, stranger or friend. One misses people who share the same values and speak English well. I miss the calibre of discussion that I had at APU and Case Western Reserve University. I miss my friends and family and all the fun things we would do. I miss having electricity, running water, flush toilets, a shower, and HOT water. One of the most important things I miss is the food! I am not saying that things are awful here. Life is actually quite good. I knew I would face these challenges, and I am happy with them because they are making me trust God more and grow in many ways. I am saying that I look forward to a whole host of new experiences and different challenges. Peace Corps is an endurance/perserverance test. I don’t want it to be over because I have many amazing things to experience such as getting to know my host families better, vacationing in Namibia, visiting Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe/Zambia, traveling to Cape Town, and making new friends wherever I go. I do want PC service to go fast because I can always extend if I love it that much.

My Future

I don’t write blogs to entertain, just to inform interest persons about my daily life. However, sometimes I get the motivation to write more thoughtful or interesting blogs. This is one of those times. Recently, I have been thinking about the future, especially after Peace Corps, a lot. I made an Outlook Calendar of everything I could think of all the way up to the end of PC Service. Some of the things I have to look forward to our birthdays, vacations, PC conferences, etc. However, I have already been thinking about what I want to do after Peace Corps.

 I have had a plan/dream since grad school. I call it a plan/dream because I don’t like to act like things are set in stone. God can change plans in an instant. My plan/dream is called the 2-3-5 Dream. It is quite simple. I want to spend two years in Peace Corps, 3 years in the Middle East, and 5 years in the UK while I work on a PhD of International or Middle Eastern Studies. However, this dream has changed recently. A few weeks ago I had several conversations with different people, my dad, a World Teach Volunter, and several PCVs, about the future. I have had a few conversations about world events and news and have come to realize that I know a great deal about many different topics, especially in relation to the Middle East. One of my possible future career options has been International Relations, but only recently have I had some concrete affirmations of my potential in this field. I have degrees in Social Work and Community and Social Development. I don’t think I want a PhD in Social Work anymore, although this blog post is just me musing about possibilities (anything can change).

The conversations have made me really excited. I began looking up the best graduate schools in the world for International Relations. The two tops school are Georgetown University and Johns Hopkins (SAIS program). I have done extensive research and have found some encouragements and challenges. One of the challenges is that I don’t speak another language. One of the downsides of going to Namibia is that the official language is English. I am learning one of the local languages, Rukwangali, but enough people speak English for me to get by. I am a little confused if I must already speak a foreign language or if they will teach me there. I think they teach me there. However, I want to go to the Middle East for a few years after this, which would give me the opportunity to learn. It would be hard to become proficient in two years, as I have envisioned, but I believe I can do it. First of all, I will be done with Peace Corps, and I will have much more freedom. I won’t be forced to learn a language that is only used by 80,000 people in the world (which is definitely causes a lack of motivation to learn). I will have the freedom to enroll in classes, which is my favorite way to learn. I also think I will be more motivated to integrate in my community. Another challenge is that I will have to take the GRE. I do well on tests, but I have not had to take any since undergrad. Grad school was all about papers and discussion. Another challenge is the Economics requirement. I am not good at math, and might have to take math classes before I can take some of the required courses. The two school I am looking at are also very expensive, costing around $67,000 a year for two years. I am already in debt, and it would require a major miracle for me to afford the high expense. Finally, the programs are highly selective. I think I remember reading that the acceptance rate is between 6-13%. 

However, this is also where my strengths and advantages come into play. First of all, the classes from year to year at both programs includes a relatively high percentage of Peace Corps Volunteers. In one year, 13 PCVs made up the majority group of the 60 person class. Another benefit is that I might have actual experience in the Middle East, if I actually go through with moving to the Middle East. Another advantage is that I already hold a Masters degree (MSSA). Most of the other candidates hold only Bachelor’s degrees. Another strength of mine is that I know I have the intelligence, work ethic, and perserverance to get into such highly selective programs.

One might ask why I want to go back to school. My first reason is that I absolutely ADORE school, especially graduate school. The calibre of discussion is simply amazing and it is fun to talk to people who share the same passion and intelligence levels. I love working with people of high calibre to solve or discuss issues. Another reason is that I am good at school. I get good grades and become involved in things that I would normally not get involved in. Another reason I want to go back to school is that graduates of the two schools I am looking at work in the highest levels of the professional world possible. Most get jobs within six months of graduation. I also want to work in the international arena with organizations such as the UN, the US Government, and many others. Another reason is that I love the social life of grad schools. There is a good mix of alone time and social time. Also, I would move to Washington D.C., which I have heard is great place with a lot of fun things to do. It is also the heart of the US and the networking opportunities would be invaluable. Finally, I just miss the life I had in school. I have never been happier as I have been in school.

I am very excited by the possibilities, but we shall see how it all plays out. I may move to the Middle East and like it so much that I decide never to go to school again. Or I may end up going back to the US and get a job right away. The exciting part is that God has blessed me with the opportunities and potential. It’s all up to him.

Friday, September 27, 2013

September 14-20

September 14
I walked to the PC Office at my usual time, 530. However, it is pitch black out at this time due to the hour time change a few weeks ago. The gate to the office was also locked so I had to squeeze myself through the gap in the fence. It was somewhat painful and I almost got stuck. My sweatshirt also got snagged on the barb wire when I threw it over the fence. I skyped my mom for about 45 minutes. I went on Facebook and looked at one of the PCVs who just finished service a week or so ago. He posted a screenshot of the internet speed he had. The internet speed was 1.5 megabytes per SECOND! The fastest speed we have at the office is 100 kilobytes!!! The American internet was 15 times as fast as our connection. I am excited to see what the speed is like when I am done with my service in 2015. I watched You Tube videos, but then I got bored. I was going to go to a barber to have him clean up or fix my hair as best he could, but decided to let my friend do it. She did a great job. We went to the open market for lunch. We had an amazing conversation that made me really excited about the future. I skyped my friend from Germany for 1.5 hours. It was a really good conversation. I skyped my mom and dad after. Then, I looked up grad schools for International Relations. I’m considering getting a masters in IR. I went home around 645 and started reading a bunch of books about International Relations that I downloaded for my Kindle. I ate dinner with some of the other PCVs and then went to bed.

September 15
I did not sleep well at all. I got bit by a lot of mosquitoes and was also sweating and still had diarrhea. I slept in and walked to the office at 645. I skyped my mom. My brother and my mom just went to Casa de Fruta Celtic Faire. I miss doing things with my family most of all. I talked to my dad for a bit too. I hung out all day in the office looking up grad schools. I had soo much fun. I was definitely dreaming about going back to school because I love it so much. I walked to Pick n’ Pay and bought junk food; then I walked to the car. We had to wait a long time and it was really hot. We left around 4. I wasn’t feel well so I didn’t eat dinner. I took a nap and watched Superman. Then I went to bed.

September 16
It was an awful night. My diarrhea is continuing and I was exhausted. I slept in and facebooked my parents. I walked to the office around 845. I called the PC doctor and he said I should go to Rundu to see a doctor. I didn’t want to go, but I wanted to get better. I was feeling so awful I laid down on the floor and sleep in my office. I canceled my clubs. After lunch, I was embarrassed to find out that some very important people from UNICEF were visiting. I had NOT been told about it and wasn’t very happy because I was in a t-shirt and shorts because I was supposed to have soccer club later. Let me tell you, it really sucks to have to spend a sick day in your office. My hut is hot and very boring. I can watch movies, listen to music, or play games on my computer at the office at least. I definitely felt really vulnerable and wished I was at home in the US. My doctor called me back and said they scheduled an appointment for 11am the next day. I went home at 540, but didn’t eat because I didn’t feel well. I watched 24 until bed time.

September 17
I slept better this night, but still had diarrhea. I got to town at 930. I checked in at the Doctor’s office early. She gave me a bunch of stuff. I also had some extremely painful sores in my mouth which she said was due to a Vitamin C deficiency. I don’t really eat fruits and vegetables in the village. I had to wait awhile to get my medication, but there was a problem with PC payment. I have to come back to get the rest tomorrow. I walked to Pick n’ Pay and bought food and took it to the office. I really didn’t feel well. I tried to nap, but no luck. I had fun looking at websites about the two grad schools I am looking at attending after Peace Corps (or even at a later date), Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) and Georgetown University’s International Relations program. I skyped my mom for a bit then taxied to my friend J’s place. We watched TV and ate. We had sausage, rice, and a really tasty sauce. J’s father said I could come stay there anytime I want to. I hung out with J and his brother and listened to music and played guitar for the first time in a year. It was really fun to realize I remember a lot of stuff.

September 18
It was so hot when I woke up. I tried to take a shower, but the water wasn’t working. I watched TV and J’s mother made breakfast. J drove me to the Doctor’s office to get the rest of my medication and then took me to the PC office. My Xmas vacation travel buddies and I booked a dolphin and otter cruise in Swakopmund that includes snacks, a gourmet meal, and champagne! I can’t wait. I decided to stay another night because I was feeling sick. J’s dad was awesome and said that I could stay in their place even when they are not there. The generosity is astounding and deeply appreciated. I taxied to J’s place and had porridge and chicken for dinner. It was so tasty! Then I watched TV and talked with the family until 11pm.

September 19
I slept okay last night. I got up and ate breakfast. I pretty much just watched TV all day while everyone else was gone. The cleaning lady made me lunch. The kids got home around 230. I love hanging out with them. I went out with J and his brother later and bought chips and an apple slice. It was one of the most amazing pastries I have ever had. I went to bed at 9 and got up at 145 am to watch NCAA football. However, I was too tired, so I went back to bed.

September 20
I woke up at 545, but I slept really well! I ate breakfast and went to the office. The weather was awesome, blustery and overcast. It really reminded me of home. J and I dropped the kids off at school. We had the windows down and were listening to Christian music. I loved it. I skyped my mom at the office. I have really been wanting to play some online games like League of Legends or World of Warcraft. I am contemplating downloading LoL. I hung out in the office until our YEAH club meeting. One of the PCVs came in before the meeting and we had a good talk. She looked absolutely beautiful! Our YEAH club leader brought donuts and I had two of the insanely delicious Apple Slices and 2 glazed donuts (they taste different than the ones in the States). The meeting was great, but I wish we had more time. I am going to be in charge of monitoring and evaluation, which is really exciting. I hung out at the office until 4. I taxied to J’s and hung out with the family. We watched TV and played guitar. I’m going to bring games next time so we don’t just sit in front of a TV (although it is so wonderful to be able to relax and zone out while watching TV). I went to bed around 11.

September 7-13

September 7
I did NOT sleep well for the first three hours. The dog kept barking and I was eaten alive by mosquitos, it was awful. Then I slept well after that. I got up and really enjoyed the morning. I felt like one of the family. I have a home in Rundu now, not just a place to stay. They said I can come over whenever. J made me an awesome omelet and peanut butter with bread. I headed out to the office at 840. I hung out at office with a PCV and two PC Trainees. We went to the open market and ate. I taxied to Wimpys, but I went to the wrong place so I speed walked to Engen. One car had already left, but the rest were there. We went to the paintball place and had an AMAZING time. There were a lot of people. I talked for a bit. I wasn’t going to paintball, but I changed my mind. It was AWESOME! Another PCV and I were absolutely competitive and pretty good. I did so well. I even ran away from someone, turned my gun back over my shoulder, and shot blind and got him!!! I hit about 9 people. T (the competitive PCV) and I went one on one. I accidentally shot the ref. I got some MAJOR welts and cuts. One of the PC Trainees had fun by flicking my nasty welt/cut on my arm. It didn’t really hurt though. We went down a slip n’ slide and I cut myself. I also started getting major foot cramps. A few of us swam in the river. We were dropped off at OK Foods and bought food for the braai (bbq). We walked back to the PC Office and went to our meeting place. I carried one of the Trainee’s HUGE suitcase. I love answering their questions. We ended up waiting FOREVER for one person. We went out a lodge on the river which is owned by a friend of ours. We all went and claimed beds. This place is huge and awesome! Boats, gazebos, hammock, tree decks., deck overlooking water, Pool. The night was really fun. Louie was cool and had some friends there. I got pretty mellow at one point then pepped up. I went to bed at 2am.

September 8
I did not sleep well. I had some really bad dreams. I woke up early and had the dubious honor of having to wake everyone up. After we got back to Rundu, I led a bunch of the PC Trainees to the PC office and OK Foods, where they were being picked up. I was so exhausted. It was just me and one other PCV in the office for most of the day. I did some journals and tried to take a nap. I was stressed because my car didn’t show up from Mpora. I decided to stay the night. I was feeling  pretty down and lonely because of the high of the weekend. It always happens. I went out and binged on junk food…and an apple. I got some great encouragement from some other PCVs. I skyped my mom too. I walked to my place at 530. I was so sore. I went to bed around 830.

September 9
I had some dreams, but slept very well. I didn’t want to get up. I taxied to the hike point and found a ride within 20 minutes. I did health education at the clinic on breastfeeding for 12 people. It went so well! I was very proud and happy! I actually enjoyed it! It went for 30 minutes. I prepared for Grass Roots Soccer and went over the lesson with BH. I had an interesting cultural problem with him. I said I needed him there at 2. He said “I will let you know.” I said I need you there.  He said “who knows what will happen. If I promise, but I’m delayed and am not there on time it is not good.” I explained how in America it’s a matter of respect and honor. I went and ate lunch at 1230. I changed and walked to school and Ppinted stuff off. I got some water and walked to the soccer field. I waited for a long time. BH came late. I practiced with him. Learners were very late too. Many of them tried to come, saying they forgot who signed up. I was really frustrated. We didn’t start until 330 or 345 and ended at 5…I was not happy. It was a bit rough. The wind was awful and I couldn’t hear and it messed up papers. Also, the trucks on the road were too loud. Other learners came by and disrupted practice. I walked back to clinic at 515, then walked home. I sat by myself and ate dinner. My host family didn’t hang with me so I just went into my room and read news and watched The Wolverine and Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters. Wolverine was not the best, but Percy Jackson was okay. I went to bed at 930.

September 10
I woke up at 645 and went to the clinic. I brought my laundry for the cleaning lady to do. I gave a personal hygiene lesson today (hand washing, tooth brushing, and how to avoid spreading sickness). 21 people were there. I walked to the school and went to break. Then I prepared for Grass Roots Soccer (GRS). I met with my health club leaders and planned our first meeting for tomorrow. I did a lesson plan about career opportunities for the grade 6s. It went sooo well. I went back to the office and journaled and prepped. GRS went amazing! I was so encouraged. I walked home in an awesome mood. I went into my office and relaxed. I walked home and talked with my host mother for a long time in Rukwangali. I ate dinner and played UNO with my family until 720.

September 11
I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of an animal in my room. In the morning, I found out a mouse or something had tried to steal my headphones. I am waking up sooooo late, at 630 or 645. I do not like it at all. I wrote a Facebook status honoring those affected by 9/11. I walked to the clinic and had my usual breakfast. No one at the clinic wanted to do health education (my supervisor was not there) and it was really frustrating. However, I realized that all I can do is be prepared and ready to do health education. I spent much of the day recording attendance and prepping for my clubs. I have to start making my own lunch because the lady that cooks for my supervisor is not there anymore. I walked to the school and literally almost died. I was walking on the shoulder of the road and barely stepped to the right and a car almost clipped me while –passing a truck. I was not happy. My first health club meeting was a success. They really liked it. We played a game called ninja. Then we went inside and made club rules and brainstormed activities for our health club. They seemed especially interested in drama, art, and soccer. My two learner leaders were great! On my way home I passed a black mamba, but didn’t notice until my brother yelled. We spent 30 minutes trying to find it so I could take pictures, but to no avail. I went home, ate, and played UNO with my family. It was really cool when one of my little host brothers tried to sing along to my Phillips, Craig, & Dean music. I had a really good Facebook conversation with my dad. I went to my room at 730 and watched Planes and Star Trek. I went to bed at 10.

September 12
I woke up at 530, but feel asleep again until 630. I walked to the clinic and ate breakfast. One of my meetings was postponed for two weeks. My best friend in Namibia received an email from a girl who is coming to Namibia in March. My friend was so excited and I became so excited. I was in a euphoria. It’s crazy to think we’re talking about Group 39 already. We started talking about how Xmas is coming and how it’ll be so fun. I started dreaming about xmas trees, presents, music, dinner, friends, skydiving, and new years. I wonder if I’ll find a Xmas service to go to. I went to see if we were doing health education, but saw no one. My supervisor came and asked to do health education. I did the same thing as yesterday. It went well. I journaled and then watched a movie for a bit of the morning. I went to lunch and ate so much PB and butter and rusk. I didn’t have much to do today. I went home at 6pm. I kept thinking I was hearing snakesI I sat by the fire and did absolutely nothing, but dream. I tried to eat, but was so full. I went back to room and just dreamed and listened to music. Woke up several times, didn’t feel so good. I had diarrhea.

September 13
I woke up and went to the clinic then the school. I hiked to Rundu…in a prison transport truck. I went to the Open Market and had lunch with a PCV and his counterpart. His counterpart bought me an orange soda. I walked to the office and did some computer stuff. I hung out in the office until 630 and walked back to my place. I had a good talk with two of my PCV friends. I showered and then had my friend cut a bunch of my hair off. It looked awful, but it was quite funny. I didn’t care because I was so happy just to have it gone. I went to bed around 9.

August 31-September 6

August 31
I didn’t sleep well. I thought there were rats in the room. I was still in Rundu by the way. I felt really bad because I woke up one of the PCVs sleeping the living room. I walked to the PC Office at 515 and skyped my parents for 45 minutes. Then I skyped my friend in Germany. I uploaded my pictures from camp, over 900! I watched some College Football highlights. I really miss college football. While I was in the office, one of the PCVs who is leaving in October came in with her family. It was wonderful to see her family because it made me look forward to when I see my family again. She also brought American candy! I am excited for next weekend because around 25 PCVs and the new Group 38 people are going paintballing. I looked up some more possible vacation ideas for Christmas vacation. I smsed the others and we decided to go to Henties Bay, Walvis Bay, and Swakopmund. It will be a quiet Christmas by the ocean and, most likely, quite a crazy New Year’s Eve. Today I have also been closely following the news about going to war with Syria over its use of chemical weapons. I walked to my place at 6 and had grilled cheese and onions. I got a bit nostalgic because one of my favorite things at home in the US is grilled ham, cheese, and onions. I had a really good talk with the two other PCVs and then read Ender’s Shadow until bed.

September 1
I slept really well and woke up at 530. I walked to the PC office and was reminded that the time had changed. I really woke up at 630. The PC Regional Coordinator, who works in the PC office, came in and asked what I was doing in the office so early, although it was 930am. He has the wrong idea that just because I come into the office early, it means I slept there. I watched college football and documentaries for most of the day. A World Teach Volunteer came over and I hung out with her. I taxied to Cola Cola around 210 to meet my ride, but we didn’t leave until 5pm! I was so tired that I slept most of the way back. I went and had dinner and said hi to my family. I was pretty tired so I went to my room and watched Elysium, which was okay. I went to bed pretty late.

September 2
I slept well. I talked to one of my friends from the US who definitely gave me a self-esteem boost. You don’t get them that much out here in Namibia, but it’s really nice when someone compliments you. I facebooked my friend in Germany and then my mom. My mom and I talked all the way through breakfast. It was wonderful. I was so proud to be busy ALL day working on projects and being productive. I made goals for the week too. Here they are if you are interested: Go over health topics with supervisor; Collect information about health topics; Find counterpart for HIV/AIDs Support Group and discuss; Visit people in the community-2 families or people; Walk to soccer field and ask about grassrootssoccer program interest ; Ask supervisor about Community Bulletin Board; Discuss school budget with HOD; Reread Financial Guidelines; Find Rukwangali Tutor; Discuss Life Skills Topics with Ms. M; Schedule times for grs, boys, and health club; Get signups for clubs; Make Signup Sheets; Meet with HOD, Agriculture teacher, BH, and come up with meetings for school garden; Discuss how best to do garden and who to invite. I was disappointed when I found out the girl I was hoping to work with on forming an HIV support group moved to Rundu. I am a bit nervous about the large number of projects I have, namely my garden. I have done a ton of research, but I have never actually done a garden. I am nervous about it failing. I backed up computer files, movies, and pictures on my harddrive and typed up information for my clubs I am going to create. I went to lunch and had pasta, cabbage, and peanut butter. I read from 4-5, then went home. It was awesome to have no desire to stay at the office and watch movies. I spent a good portion of the next hour learning about my camera and trying out different settings. The children loved being my photo models. I have some gorgeous pictures that I can’t wait to put on Facebook. After my camera session I went and read, then had dinner. I am a bit apprehensive because it looks like there may be chicken pox going around (one of my host brothers already had it and had to go to the hospital; one of my sisters also looks like she has it or some other disease). I played Uno with my family until 745. The troublemaker/annoying child of the family was being really annoying and kept taking the cards and damaging them. It sounds dumb, but I have had these cards all my life and so I attach sentimental value to them. I went into my room and listened to music and read. I went to bed at 930.

September 3
I woke up feeling so tired. I think the time is messing me up. I didn’t want to go to morning assembly because I wanted to sleep in. It was a good thing I did because when I walked to the school they were still on old time. It was good to be back. I took over an absent teacher’s classes for a bit and played games. I my two health camp learners present to class. I was very proud. I was teaching the Grade 6’s when a big man came in and very gruffly said “Who gave you permission to teach this class?” I was very confused. It turned out it was the inspector of the circuit. He seemed unhappy and kept saying there is a procedure. I thought I was going to get my principal in trouble and I thought I was in trouble, but the inspector was nice in a gruff way and said that he wanted me here to teach them and help them learn English, but he needed me to get permission so that he wouldn’t get sued if something happened to me. I understood, but was confused because that is American thinking. It made sense though because he went to university in America and lived there too!!! Iowa and Nebraska State! He told me I need to send a letter to the Regional Director. I went to break and had bread and then went back to office. I typed up a letter to the Director and  got it approved by HOD. Then I talked to her about many subjects such as clubs, finances, language tutor, and camp. It was so encouraging and productive. My clubs will be M, T, W from 3-4 or longer. I still need to find a language tutor. I went and cut some of my hair because it is so long and it is annoying me. School got out and I went and took pictures of the lunch program. The camera became the center of attention and a lot of people wanted their picture taken. I went back to MS’s class and stayed there until 330. I got really hungry and asked him to get me toppers. He got there late and I decided just to go to store with him then visit people. I overspent and bought a bunch of junk food. It was 415 and I decided to go back to the clinic. I have a small flap of skin on the top of a small toe rubbing the top of my shoe. It is not fun. I decided to go home and read. Then my host mother came out. We talked for a good while! I really enjoyed it. I understood most of what she said. She also helped me with some Rukwangali lessons. I really want a tutor now. I ate some of the pasta that was for dinner and gave the food to the kids. Then we played UNO. The same troublemaker/annoying child crossed into danger territory when he kept taking cards and tried to hit me. I got very serious for the first time with him. I am apprehensive about how I will be when I go back to the states. Corporal punishment is so normal here that it is becoming normal for me. I almost wanted to hit the kid. But I know objectively that anything like that is damaging to a child and I will not hit a child. I played UNO and won once. These kids are getting good!!! I went into my room at 7 and read and listened to music until 9pm.

September 4
I didn’t sleep terribly well. I cannot wait until I am used to the time change. I woke up at 530, but fell asleep until 630. I decided to go into the office later. I facebooked mom and dad for a bit then ate breakfast at the clinic. I blogged for nearly five hours because I don’t have anything to do until I talk to my supervisor. The trainees are visiting site until Sunday. They saw me as they passed by my clinic! I got a blast of sms’s from them! It was great they were so excited! I went to lunch. After lunch I spoke with my supervisor about health topics I should prepare for morning health education. I went and typed up games that I did at YEAH Camp. I finished around 3 and just read after that. It was a really good day. I went home at 5 and read some more. I have also been speaking with my host mother a lot which is wonderful. I am learning a lot of Rukwangali. I am enjoying it a lot. I played Uno with my family after that. Then I went and watched Turbo and played computer games in my room. It’s been getting awfully hot at night and it’s not fun. I went to bed at 9.

September 5
I woke up at 5, but fell back asleep until 630. I walked to the clinic. I found out that the governor was coming tomorrow and not today. I was not happy because I was not going to be around. I had a Peace Corps Event with the new Volunteers. I went to school and determined what Life Skills classes I will teach this term. I went back to the office and tried to connect my kindle to my computer, but it crashed. During the break, the HOD helped me get learners to sign up for my clubs. I got 28 for the health club and 20 for the Grass Roots Soccer Club. I decided to make another Grass Roots Soccer Club for the Grade 6s. I went back to the clinic at one and was able to keep busy until 3. After I got home I had a good talk with one of my host brothers about Namibia. After I ate I went to my room and watched a movie.

September 6
I woke up feeling pretty good. It was funny that my wheatbix tasted AMAZING this morning. Is it possible for Wheatbix to go stale? I had just opened a new box and wonder if that is why it tasted so good. I walked to school and worked until school got out. Then I walked to the road. It took us forever to get a hike because a TON of teachers were hiking too. It was really frustrating. We got a hike a few hours later, but it was not a pleasant ride at all. I walked to the office and skyped my mom and dad. It was really fun. I did my usual computer stuff. My new Namibian friend J came and picked me up. I met a lot of his family. We stopped at his church for a few minutes, and eventually we got to his home. We went out to get some food. It was amazing and I felt like I was almost back in America. We went cruising in his car with windows down and we listened to KLOVE music!! Tommy Walker’s song He Knows My Name came on and I said I knew tommy! J was so impressed! I messaged Tommy’s son and told him. I really enjoyed talking to J’s family. They served me some really tasty snacks. Then we had spaghetti with mean/bean sauce that was extremely tasty. I felt so at home, as if I had been adopted. We watched news and sports. They gave me my own room with a shower and they provided me with soap and a towel.